Title IX: Adapting to a Changing Society


Laws are a lot like food at a grocery store. They have expiration dates. Some foods like canned soup can last for decades without spoiling. Others have a much shorter life.


Laws are very similar and can lose effectiveness over time. Some laws can be updated with minor changes, while other need to be completely rewritten.


Title IX was written in 1972 and encouraged increasing the number of opportunities for women. In 1972, it was a male dominated world. However, today, potentially as a byproduct of Title IX, women and men seem to coexist in society. Despite this fact, Title IX continues to be in existence. It is an old law that appears to be biased towards giving more opportunities to women. It has been disputed since its existence.


My question is should Title IX be thrown out like an bunch of old brown bananas or can it be rewritten and enhanced into something special, like a loaf of banana bread?



NOTE: I was made aware that the text of my teaser did not post. Reposted 12/16


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